Thursday, February 8, 2007

Republicans for Impeachment

Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) has threatened President Bush with impeachment if either of the two Border Patrol Agents who were sentenced to prison for killing an unarmed illegal immigrant suspected of smuggling drugs across the U.S.-Mexican border are killed in prison. Apparently one of the men was assaulted last week which infuriated Rep. Rohrabacher.
"I tell you, Mr. President, if these men -- especially after this assault -- are murdered in prison, if one of them lose their lives, there's going to be some sort of impeachment talk in Capitol Hill," he told a press conference in Washington D.C.
While I am disappointed in the citizens of California's XXX district who voted for a person who esposes values such as these, I suppose the House of Representatives was created with the intent of providing representation for citizens from all walks of life, regardless of any inherent bigotry, racism or other embarrassing thought processes. But I am more disappointed in the 434 other representatives, not mention the RNC, DNC and just about any other political operation that doesn't constantly remind everyone that Americans, regardless of political stripe, do not believe in spreading hate. Why no one is standing up and saying that the rule of law still trumps any political beliefs is astounding. Why Californians would put up with a Congressman like this is equally puzzling. Statements like this suggest Rep. Rohrbacher condones murder, which I hope he does not.

At least he is willing to consider impeachment.

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