"What I would say to members of Congress is: Calm down and take a look at what's going on, and ask yourself a simple question: If you support the troops, would you deny them the reinforcements they think are necessary to complete the mission?"'This line of questioning reveals so much about the Republican mindset: the simple, black and white framing of questions of war betrays such a high level of contempt for the American people. Clearly most Americans are interested in re-examing war policy. Remember that Democrats retook both houses of Congress last fall? President Bush consistently reminds us that the decision to send troops to battle is the most difficult decision the Commander-in-Chief can make, and indeed war is never a simple issue. Wouldn't any honest person ask more than just a simple, ill-informed question before making any major decision? By attempting to portray war policy in simple terms, they are demeaning everyone involved in the process of war policy-making. During the war planning process, did the policymakers simply ask "how much support will the troops need?" Of course not. Likewise, while they are there (and as President Bush also acknowledges), there will be changes to the strategy with every new development. Anyone not adapting would, and should be, deemed incompentent. Why are those who question the wisdom of the current, or any, war strategy, labeled "traitors who should be hanged?"
This simple, all or nothing line of thinking suggests that the troops will be deployed indefinitely. What can happen that will override the "support the troops" mentality that will convince war supporters that bringing the troops home is still supporting them? Many Republican representatives were signatories to the 1995 Congressional resolution demanding President Clinton seek their approval before sending troops to Bosnia and refusing to financially support any endeavor? Obviously they have changed their minds. It is absurd to think that a 2002 Senate vote could not be withdrawn or acknowledged as a mistake four and a half years later with mountains of new information. Anyone who has not reconsidered their position has lost touch with not only reality, but how rational human beings think.
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Keep up the good work.
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